Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Final Solution BBC

I find it absolutely astonishing how many people are unaware or take for granted "Oh well, it was a war" attitude when confronted with the Holocaust. Like many I had heard about it but never really looked into it or studied it until recently, and ashamed now i waited. Once i began studying it and watching videos from everyplace I could get one I could not obtain enough. Netflix, youtube, frontline, google just to name a few places that occupy me now.. Is the main memorial where most of the horrors occurred and should never be forgotten and preserved. If in your ability please donate what you can from their page.
Also if you get a chance buy or rent I have never forgotten you. About a man like none I have never believed could exist with such a compassion in his heart for his entire life, since he also was a prisoner in the death camps. His name is
Simon Wiesenthal and a true example of what one man can do to keep the memories alive.
Most people assume I am Jewish because of my obsession i have in the Holocaust and Auschwitz but though it matters not, i am catholic and not even a very good one at that. Myself I have no idea why I became so intrigued in this, it just happened after watching those 30 episodes of the video i also have posted on here. Even has me buying Holocaust items from ebay and collectors. Just to touch an item that came from that horrific place sends chill down my spine. My family jokes that I must have died there in a prior life to be so obsessed with But whatever it is, it is nothing i am sorry about. I feel we should all have empathy for this. It matters not what religion you are or color of your skin. I am quite sure when God made man he didn't say "well these are my favorites, these not so much, and I'll just make these for fun". We all come from one creator, and what a world we would all have if everybody just realized that.

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